Parking Application
Student Parking Requirements
To qualify for a parking decal, a student must have:
1. A valid driver’s license.
2. Proof of current insurance on the vehicle. (Show proof)
3. Current vehicle registration.
4. Appropriate fee
5. Signed parent permission form/application. Parking Pass Application (attached)
6. All obligations must be PAID IN FULL, before a parking decal will be issued.
Student Parking Application
To apply for on campus student parking:
Please review all requirements and make sure you are eligible.
Print the attached application
Complete the application in its entirety. (incomplete application will not be considered)
Pay the required fee, This can be paid online via OSP at or to the activities director when the form is submitted. Activities currently only accepts debit/credit card.
If the parking pass is paid for online, bring required documents, completed application, and OSP receipt to Mrs. Tavenner in the Activities Office to receive the parking pass.
If you do not pay online, you will pay with the activities director and then bring required documents, completed application, and receipt to Mrs. Tavenner in the Activities Office to receive the parking pass.
NOTE: This school year Pine Ridge High School has a senior zone, only seniors are permitted to purchase this upgrade. To increase the safety of our students, student parking spots will neither be assigned nor painted.
A student’s parking privilege will be revoked/suspended for the following reasons:
1. Earning excessive discipline referrals: 3 in any 9-week grading period, or any referral resulting in an out-of-school suspension.
2. Allowing another student to drive your vehicle.
3. Taking any student off campus without authorization from the school.
4. Using a parking decal not assigned to you.
5. Receiving three parking violations.
6. Driving recklessly and/or speeding in the parking lot or within the perimeter of the school.
7. Using the vehicle to leave campus when not authorized to do so. NOTE A $20.00 reinstatement fee will be accessed to those students whose decals have been revoked.
To transfer a decal from one vehicle to another, a student must have:
1. Current registration for the new vehicle.
2. Remains of the old decal.
- If, for some reason, a student must temporarily drive a family-owned vehicle, other than the vehicle with the decal, he/she must obtain a temporary permit from the Activities Office.
- This permit should be obtained before first block.
- The temporary permit is issued for 5 school days at no cost. Additional days $1.00 per day