PRHS Band Booster Committees
All parents are expected to contribute to the support of their student and the band by participating on a committee. There are a wide variety of tasks and some committees meet regularly while others meet only once or twice per year. Much of the work can be done from the comfort of your home at a time that is convenient for you!
By-laws: This committee will meet at least one time between January and April. There must be at least four members on this committee, fifty percent of which cannot be executive board members. The committee will be responsible for reviewing the current by-laws and proposing any amendments, edits, or deletions and present these for approval at the April general booster meeting as is stated in Article IV section 4. This committee will report to the secretary.
Breakfast with Santa: This committee will work in conjunction with the fundraising committee to plan the organization’s major fundraiser and will meet as necessary beginning in October. The committee will be responsible for coordinating sponsors, donations, food, decorations, crafts, advertising, ticket sales, photos with Santa, letters to Santa, and any other things tied to the event. The committee will work within a budget set by the executive board. This committee will report to the Fundraising chair. Chaperones & Volunteers: This committee will meet as is necessary to perform its duties. Its primary responsibility will be to maintain a volunteer binder that has a written set of policies and expectations for chaperones, a list of volunteers and chaperones from the active membership roster, completed volunteer forms for all, and a list of each event with the assigned chaperones and their contact information. Copies of the binder’s contents shall be kept in a secure location in the director’s office at all times. This committee will enlist the proper number of chaperones for each event, assign a head chaperone, and ensure each has an identification badge. The committee will submit monthly volunteer forms to the school. This committee will report to the president.
Equipment & Trailer: This committee will meet frequently during the fall season and as needed thereafter. This committee will see to the good condition of the band trailer and equipment such as toolboxes. It will notify the vice president secretary of needed repairs, maintenance, and concerns as well as schedule properly licensed drivers for the trailer to all scheduled activities. The members of this committee will assist students with the loading, unloading, set-up, and removal of all marching band equipment from the band trailer and see to the repair or replacement of equipment
Fundraising: This committee will meet throughout the year to coordinate fundraising events that will support the needs of the band as set forth by the executive board. It shall oversee and execute fund raising projects, making sure that they are in accordance with Volusia County School Board policies. This committee must present all fundraising ideas to the executive board for approval and then apply for approval with the PRHS activities director before undertaking them. This committee will also be responsible for securing and maintaining the banners for sponsors who have paid. This committee will report to the Fundraising chair.
Historian: This committee may have only one active member and may not need to meet formally. It will maintain information in the form of pictures, programs and videos (if able) documenting the history and performances of the Pine Ridge High School Marching Band. The Historian will provide this information at various functions when needed to promote interest in the marching band. The historian may work with other committees as appropriate. This committee will report to the vice president.
Publicity, Technology & Information: This committee will meet as needed throughout the year. The members will keep the band booster website and Yahoo group up to date as well as post any new information as set forth by the executive board. Its other responsibility will be creating and maintaining a positive image of the band throughout the community. The chair shall notify the media of upcoming band performances and other events. This committee will also be responsible for producing a newsletter pertaining to band activities at least three times per year in August, December, and April, or as deemed necessary by the executive board. The newsletter will be distributed to the general membership in the most efficient manner possible as outlined by the executive board. This committee will report to the secretary.