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Healthcare Academy (HCA)


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Allied Health
In the Allied Health program students learn about the human body, both structurally and functionally, with emphasis on the pathophysiology and transmission of disease; gain in depth knowledge of the health care system and associated occupations; and perform skills representative of the major areas of allied health care in the laboratory and clinical settings as follows: Physical therapy, radiation, laboratory/respiratory medicine, and occupational therapy.

Nursing Assistant (Acute & Long-Term Care)
In the Nursing Assistant program students learn about the human body, both structurally and functionally, with emphasis on the pathophysiology and transmission of disease; gain in depth knowledge of the health care system and associated occupations; prepares students to provide/assist with all aspects of activities of daily living for the adult patient in both hospital and nursing home settings. This program is taught by a registered nurse and requires didactic instruction and skills practice in the laboratory and in acute and long-term clinical settings.

Healthcare Academy

HCA in Action

HCA in action
HCA in action
HCA in action
HCA in action
HCA in action
HCA in action
HCA in action
HCA in action
HCA in action
HCA in action
HCA in action
HCA in action
HCA in action

Academy Course Progression

  • Medical Skills and Services
  • Health Science Anatomy and Physiology
  • Health Science Foundations
  • Allied Health Assisting
  • Nursing Assistant 3
Kimberly Lurkins

Kimberly Lurkins

Pine Ridge High School is the only Volusia public school to offer an opportunity for students to earn their Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) credential